Friday, February 13, 2009

A Spiritual Soul...

My oldest daughter has the most amazing understanding about God and Jesus at her age of 4 1/2. She has a tender heart for scripture and loves to sing praises to the Lord;not mention her very obedient heart. I am amazed at her love for the Lord and I marvel in her understanding of Him. We were talking the other day and she told me Jesus is her shepherd and she was His sheep. I thought for sure she was just repeating what she heard, I sing that song a lot...I am His sheep and The Lord is My Shepherd watching over my soul. As we talked further she explained how He calls my name and I hear His voice. Oh, I just wanted to cry, I thought it was precious and I am joyful that she is getting the meaning of having a relationship with Jesus. While driving in the car today I heard her tell her little sister, "God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit 3 people but 1." She looked at me and said, "it's hard to understand, Mom, but she'll get it." I laughed and melted inside all at the same time. I pray her love for the Lord continues to grow deep inside her soul and that she will share it with anyone she meets. Too precious!

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