Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, like Christmas this was the perfect opportunity to talk to our children about LOVE and where it came from. Obviously they are too young to even know that Valentine's Day is about romantic love, but like all things we as parents have the choice to teach them what we want about each holiday. Hubby and I decided we wanted to teach our children that Valentine's is more than candy and getting focused on teaching them about God's love. We made cupcakes for our friends, decorated them along with cards and delivered them to our special family friends. The verse 1 John 4:19 We love because He first loved us; really hit me this week.
We had a wonderful family day: we did crafts (the girl's favorite thing to do), we loved others, we played at the mall (and didn't buy a thing) and then we ate at our family favorite restaurant RUDY'S BBQ. It was a special day!
From our family to yours.... Happy Valentine's Day and may you enjoy the Lord's blessing of love.


Kelly said...

What a fun day! That picture of the 4 of you is adorable!

adoptingmama said...

Happy Valentine's to you guys!