Friday, March 6, 2009

God is so amazing!

Ok, so last night we had our big talk, the presentation we had been preparing for all week. My voice was barely there and I did everything in power all day to take care of. Hot tea, honey, hot water, hot lemon juice, Motrin, aspirin, vitamin c; but most of all PRAYER! God is so amazing! We got up there to give our talk, our story and what God has done in our lives. Before we got started, hubby prayed for us and my voice because I felt like Satan was attacking us. We had this powerful message yet it wouldn't come across if you couldn't hear it! We I first began speaking it was hard to talk and it was very strained; however, somewhere in it my voice was restored and I was able to speak clearly. It was incredible a supernatural wonder of God! Even the committee we spoke too recognized how my voice was restored. Someone made a comment "if you didn't believe in the power of prayer- you would now!" It was amazing and to be a part of God's supernatural power! I will never forget last night. As soon as our talk was over my voice went back to the strained, scratchy voice I had 25 mins earlier. It is still gone today. God can move mountains; nothing is impossible for him! God be the glory!

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