Monday, January 26, 2009

Potty Training excitement....

Life is good around here! Potty training is going really well, in fact, last night we slept in panties: NO DIAPER and we woke up DRY!!!!! Wow, that was awesome. I was being brave and thought oh well, so what, we wash the sheets if we have too! The best part is that she is so proud of herself and the smile on her face is precious! Yesterday she was even taking herself to the potty without me or Daddy stopping her playtime and even better she was at a new person's house! It was great! Way to go baby girl- what a big girl now! Too fun! She earned her big girl seat and today we will be putting it the car. Next step big girl bed! Time to move out of the crib and into her toddler bed.


psn4athome said...

Good job! Little T is right there. Only a few more days and he'll earn his new car seat too! It's so fun that they are growing up!

twinmommy said...

Congratulations to you! Your girls are growing so big... I'm jealous that you'll soon be out of diapers at your house. :)

adoptingmama said...

Yay to no more diapers! What a relief that is,huh? Just wanted to stop by and say love ya....and will talk to you soon! ~Aloha