Thursday, January 15, 2009

An UP and DOWN day!

This morning I continued with my new schedule; DAY 4 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! I had a wonderful morning planned; the girls were going to have a play date and I was going to have coffee with a wonderful older women. We were dressed ready to go and headed to the car and the battery was DEAD! Oh, it was so disappointing! I was so deflated and I was looking so forward to getting to know this mentor/older/wiser/Godly woman better. Well what are you gonna do? I love that my bible study the last two days has been on James and reminded me to have JOY when I face trials! So back inside we went and then about an our later my knights in shinning armor arrived...Sarah and Philip! They pushed my van out of the garage and gave it a jump and then off we went to the library for Story-time and to top it off we were only 5 mins late. We ended up having a wonderful morning and it was a blessing to have joy in my heart instead of disappointment. The Scriptures they are so wise! Sometimes things don't workout the we have planned them...ah just a reminder we are not in control; GOD IS!


adoptingmama said...

Glad you ended up having someone there to jump it for you! and I'm glad you made it to your events too :)

adoptingmama said...

Oh yes and remind me to tell you sometime about our old Honda's car battery....