Monday, October 27, 2008

Day with E at Preschool

Today was a blessing! S and I spent the day with E at her preschool. I volunteered to help with the Italian Carnival. They have been studying Italy this month and finished it off with a celebration. It was so incredible to see E participate, listen to her teachers and interact with her classmates. One of her teachers spent a few moments sharing that E is one of the easiest kids in the class and how thankful they are for her good behavior. It is was so reassuring as a mom to hear that the boundaries and expectations we have set are paying off! I was elated with joy and joy for her that she is getting the most of this experience because she is so well behaved. OK, so back to the carnival. There were different stations; they made pizza, masks, the Italian flag, painted the Mona Lisa and played soccer. It was perfect! S did an amazing job helping me and following instructions, too. It was a splendid day!

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