Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all, I want to send a big Happy Mother's Day out all of my friends and family who are mothers. I am proud of you and the work you commit to raising up your children in Christ! I love seeing your lives and what is going on in them!

Second, to my sweet family who honored me so well. It was as enjoyable weekend with a day of shopping yesterday and lunch at our favorite family restaurant Rudy's B-B-Q, then Church to see our friends dedicate their kids to raising them up in the Lord and then out to dinner with several families. It was a bummer that we ended our evening with S bumping her forehead very hard on the sink and that wasn't the worst of it. She was running when she hit the sink and her legs went right out from under her. So after she hit the sink, she landed flat on her back; hitting the back of her head. Needless to say she had a concussion and we spent every hour waking her up to make sure she was ok. (It is was like having a newborn again.) Poor thing. She is fine and back to her normal self today! However, this morning she needed rest so I went to Church by myself- I did not have a replacement in the area I was serving. That worked out well for the girls and hubby to have a hot lunch waiting for me when I returned home. (For my birthday my mother-in-law sent me a night off dinner from Swan's- great gift idea! Thank you, Pat, it was delicious!) Hubby cooked the Lasagna, corn and rolls and we had a fabulous lunch. After lunch we washed the cars and the girl's loved it! Then we enjoyed our new summer pool! We enjoyed watching the girls play in the pool and I sat in the lounge chair reading a book. Oh, what a wonderful day! Did I mention May is my favorite time of the year...summertime, my birthday and Mother's Day all in one month! Good times!

Finally, to my sweet mother who is in heaven. I miss you dearly and wish you were here to share in my stories of your grandchildren and watch them grow-up. They are precious and E has a very artistic and creative side just like you; not to mention your Cook family nose. S has your delightful strong-willed spirit. I also wish you were here just to hang out, go to lunch or chat on the phone. Often I have needed your sweet, tender love and advice or just a hug to get through the day. I think of you often and speak of you often, too. You were a wonderful mother, who taught me how to serve others. I love you, Mom. Thank you God for the years I did have with her. God continue to give me the peace that passes all understanding!


Jennifer said...

so glad you had a fun day!

psn4athome said...

Glad you had a good Mother's Day!