Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Circus!

Our first trip to the circus! The kids had a blast! We went some dear friends and it was so great to the children soak it in! We went early and the girls enjoyed watching the action and trying different things; jumping rope, costume, hula hoop and more. The show was very cool and exciting. E said her favorite thing was the dancers and S the miniature dachshunds. What a treat! It was super! I love watching them experience new things.

Fun Day at the Zoo...

The weather has been very cool around here so we decided to go to zoo before it gets too hot. We met some friends for a picnic lunch and enjoyed an afternoon of fun! We saw some neat things...the polar bears looked like they were dancing, the elephants were having a check-up with some training and a baby giraffe only 6 days old! It was an enjoyable time! We really love the zoo and could go every week! Especially little S!

Babysitting fun!

E and S love their babysitter! This last time was a true bonding experience. She asked ahead of time if she could bring her make-up bag and nail polish! (Actually I think E asked her too bring it!) Oh my goodness it was exciting for the girls. This was a real treat because "MOM" is quite strict with that kind of stuff! I know a real downer of a mom but I just don't want them to grow up so fast. Anyway, I allowed and they had a blast. It was great fun! I did have a flash forward...oh my! By the way E did her own hair that day and then we had to groc shopping, we kept her hair just like that. She was so proud and got lots of compliments. Too cut!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A wonderful week and it is only Wednesday!!!

Balancing exercises
E walking the horse back

S walking the horse out

S waving while working on balance

Putting the saddle on

Brushing the winter coat off

Learning about the horse shoe :)

I am so cool, even at the dentist!

So excited! My first time!

Our beautiful backyard!

Thank you Ms. Kathy and Ms. Helen! I had a great year!

E's Redbird Class!

Popsicle with her friend Riley

Lis and Ms. Cathy after the water station

We brought our little buddy Camp with us, too!

Pizza Lunch!

Painting fun!

Apple Tree Toss

Yummy s'mores!

roasting marshmallows

This weekend we cleaned out the backyard, moved the trampoline and put out the fire pit Sarah gave me for Christmas. The yard looks awesome; don't look too closely at the grass we need to replace it! We have some plans but to add to the patio this summer. Should be exciting! We finished off the evening with smores. After the kids went to bed hubby and I sat by the fired and talked for two hours. Good times!
We started off Monday with E's last day of preschool. This was a fun day! Siblings were invited and the day is designed as a play day. We spent the day going from one station to another. I watched our little buddy, Camp, and he spent the day with us, too. All the children had a blast. S will be attending the preschool next year and is so ready! I am so excited for her new adventure with preschool and E's adventure going to Kindergarten. Big changes for us!
Tuesday we headed to the dentist! It was S's first time and E's third. Emmie was an angel like always. She is amazing and cooperative. S was incredible, too. Especially for her first time. She did a really great job and I was proud of them both!
Wednesday we had plans to go to a horse ranch! The girls have been so excited about this. We did a community service project in the fall at this ranch and it has been on mind since then. We put on our jeans and cowboy boots and headed out there with apples and carrots. First thing was first the girls learned all about horse safety. They had to memorize rules and repeat them. It was cute! The girls learned that you don't just get to play when you come to the ranch, there is actually quite a bit of work that needs to be done. Wish there was a better term for this but there isn't...our first job... scoop up the horse poop. So we did, with smiles! We all had a shovel and got to work, cleaned out an entire pen. Then the girls got to brush the horse, learn to saddle the horse and then each one of them got to ride the horse. It was so special and such a fun day! After they rode the horse we fed them apples and carrots we had brought from home. They had such a wonderful day and we will be going back!
What a week to kick off our summer!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Loved this picture!

I love you, Mama!

Our Mama Date!

S and I had our last Mommy date while E was in preschool. We had a wonderful day of her doing her favorites! First we went to Target to get her favorite snack: popcorn and a drink, then to the mall to ride the carousel, then a picnic in the park! We had a fabulous day. We have figured out that Quality Time is her number one love language and she has really enjoyed our time this year.
While we were eating she climbed up in my lap and said, "Mama, I love spending time you. I had so much fun today!" Oh just melted my heart. In this moment I knew I had listened to the Spirit of God as a parent and took His guidance on what to focus on this year while E was a preschool...little Ms S! I spent most Monday/Wednesdays connecting with her only. I turned down many playdates just to focus on building our relationship and getting to know her.
She is a different child when alone, without her big sister around. S has a strong-will, determined, and independent spirit; yet she is extremely sensitive, loving and giving! Not to mention passionate and extremely expressive. I have no idea where she gets it :)

I pray for discernment and firm yet gentle tongue when it comes to parenting her. I definitely understand the concept of having two very different children, who will need to be loved, disciplined and raised differently but from the same foundation. (Does that make sense?) Therefore, I have spent the last couple of weeks reading some incredible Godly books on parenting. How to Really Love Your Child by Ross Campbell and the Journey of a Strong Willed Child by Kendra Smiley! Both excellent and quick reads! Next on the list for parenting books: Boundaries for Kids, The Five Love Languages of Children, How to Really Love Your Angry Child and Shepherding a Child's Heart.

To my darling S, thank you for a wonderful year full of memories! I have treasured our time together and look forward to spending more and more quality time with you. You are a precious child of God and you were made perfectly. I pray that your Daddy and I give you all the love you need, raise you up with confidence but most importantly teach you about having a relationship with Jesus. I look forward to many more Mama dates!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our Redbird learned how to fly!

E graduated from her Preschool on Tuesday night. She was in the Redbird class! She has the most wonderful year and truly loved going to school. Her teachers Ms. Kathy and Ms. Helen were so wonderful and loved on her just the right way. I really can't believe the year is over, and there is only one day left...a play day! It is shocking to see how much she has grown, matured and learned this past year. What in the world is Kindergarten going to do to her!?! I am so glad that we found this preschool last year when we came to visit. God knew this is where she needed to be!

The evening festivities were fun! Dear friends joined us and E actually sat right in front of us! The evening started with a darling slide show, then each student walked down the isle one by one to the traditional graduation march in their cap and gown. Then each class sang a cute little song. The Redbird's sang the Butterfly Song. The sweetest part of the evening was when they called each student up to the stage, they stood there while the director told the audience about them. E said her favorite color was pink, favorite food is macaroni cheese, she learned how to write her name and numbers, she will learn "lots of stuff" in Kindergarten, her favorite toy is her make-up kit (don't worry it is plastic) and when she grows up she wants to be a cheerleader. Too cute! The last song the pre k program sang "Kindergarten here we come, here we come. Good-bye Preschool it's been lots of fun!" It was a special evening. Thank you Lord for a great year and a special thanks to Pat and Les for helping us send E to school this year. It was a blessing!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all, I want to send a big Happy Mother's Day out all of my friends and family who are mothers. I am proud of you and the work you commit to raising up your children in Christ! I love seeing your lives and what is going on in them!

Second, to my sweet family who honored me so well. It was as enjoyable weekend with a day of shopping yesterday and lunch at our favorite family restaurant Rudy's B-B-Q, then Church to see our friends dedicate their kids to raising them up in the Lord and then out to dinner with several families. It was a bummer that we ended our evening with S bumping her forehead very hard on the sink and that wasn't the worst of it. She was running when she hit the sink and her legs went right out from under her. So after she hit the sink, she landed flat on her back; hitting the back of her head. Needless to say she had a concussion and we spent every hour waking her up to make sure she was ok. (It is was like having a newborn again.) Poor thing. She is fine and back to her normal self today! However, this morning she needed rest so I went to Church by myself- I did not have a replacement in the area I was serving. That worked out well for the girls and hubby to have a hot lunch waiting for me when I returned home. (For my birthday my mother-in-law sent me a night off dinner from Swan's- great gift idea! Thank you, Pat, it was delicious!) Hubby cooked the Lasagna, corn and rolls and we had a fabulous lunch. After lunch we washed the cars and the girl's loved it! Then we enjoyed our new summer pool! We enjoyed watching the girls play in the pool and I sat in the lounge chair reading a book. Oh, what a wonderful day! Did I mention May is my favorite time of the year...summertime, my birthday and Mother's Day all in one month! Good times!

Finally, to my sweet mother who is in heaven. I miss you dearly and wish you were here to share in my stories of your grandchildren and watch them grow-up. They are precious and E has a very artistic and creative side just like you; not to mention your Cook family nose. S has your delightful strong-willed spirit. I also wish you were here just to hang out, go to lunch or chat on the phone. Often I have needed your sweet, tender love and advice or just a hug to get through the day. I think of you often and speak of you often, too. You were a wonderful mother, who taught me how to serve others. I love you, Mom. Thank you God for the years I did have with her. God continue to give me the peace that passes all understanding!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Look I can ride my bike!!!!

S got a bike for Christmas and had not quite figured out to pedal...but she has been practicing and she got it!!! Daddy spent time working with her and teaching her how to push her pedals. She was so proud of herself! We tried to go around the block; however, her little legs are just not ready to do that. We will work up to that! Special moments for the little sister!