Thursday, June 25, 2009

A moment to remember...

So to add to crazy, busy week last week the most amazing thing happened! We met a couple in Feb who's marriage was struggling, almost to the point of destruction and they were not followers of Christ. That has all changed! They have been restoring their marriage and digging into the Word of God and they accepted Jesus (whole hearted) as their personal Savior. This past weekend their entire family was baptized! It was amazing to see this transformation in their lives and to see their hearts change! But what it even more special, they asked Hubby to baptism them! It was so emotional watching them die to self and be raised anew. It was even more emotional to see my husband up there! I was so proud of him and for the spiritual growth he has made. God is so amazing! I think the Angles were sitting right next to me rejoicing! Oh, it was a cool moment! Thank you Lord for letting us be a part of it! The Glory is all Yours, Lord!!!!


adoptingmama said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with you and yours...take care and let's talk sometime, k?

Britney said...

That is so awesome & what an honor it must have been for Landon to have them baptize them. Praise God!!