So do you ever just enjoy the little things in life? I am teaching E my oldest how to tie shoes. I think it is funny that she wants to learn because all the shoes these days have Velcro! So, we practice on mine and I wish for the life of me I could remember the bunny song that goes with tying shoes. I'll google one day when I have time! ;) Anyway, it is fun to see her try over and over again. It is amazing to see how teaching her persistence with shoe tying has so much to do with teaching her to be persistence with her walk with God. "Don't give up" I whisper in her ear, "you can do it", I say, "you're almost there!" Isn't that what God tells us!
S the youngest; the girl is a ball of energy! Have I mentioned that she is dropping her nap??? God blessed me with this girl because she has been the best napper and sleeper since about 6 weeks old. Thank you Lord; good times! So here my life is changing again and I am reminded how my baby isn't a baby anymore and that I have no more babies coming at this time. I do have to admit I can see a light at the end of the tunnel in regards to not having to be home when it is nap time and having more flexibility with the schedule; but, oh how I like to have a little peace and quiet in the afternoon and just a few minutes to myself. Oh well ,I guess I can have that when the goes go to college ;0 I will enjoy them for now! Until then quiet time will just have to wait!
When E was three we decided not to put her in preschool, it was a very special time for me and her. After S would lay down for her nap it was our special time. I would get out a workbook and we would work on letters, numbers, patterns, etc. Basically, I home schooled her that entire year. We enjoyed this time so much and even though S went to preschool this year I have been praying about how to spend sometime with her; especially since we need to practice some speech techniques. So I bought her very own workbook and we have begun to spend just a little bit of one on one time together. She loves it! She tells me everyday how much she loves it and thanks me for this gift and spending time with her. I am so pleased that I am meeting her love languages and she feels loved. It is easy to feel over shadowed by another sibling. The other thing I have learned is how smart she is! I can't believe some of the things she knows...that must be from being the second child. Anyway, what a treat! Special memories I will cherish!
Basketball is in full gear and hubby is really enjoying being an assistant coach. It was quite an adjustment for me, actually. That was a little surprising. He was no longer in charge of his schedule and now we are under the authority of someone else. Very interesting. Truly there have been many positives and blessing. Games begin pretty soon and then the season will be over before we know it!
So I finished Shepherding a Child's Heart and that was an amazing book. I cannot recommend it enough. It was the most spiritually challenging parenting book I have picked up. I evaluated my parenting from every level and have made some incredible changes!
This and That
7 years ago
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