Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wow, what a week!

We have had a whirl wind of a week...A FABULOUS WEEK! It started with a two night sleepover with three precious little girls: Avery, Paytie & Reese! We kept our friends girls while they celebrated their 8th anniversary. We spent three days at the pool this week! One day we enjoyed swimming with our buddies Caden and Tyler and the other two times with friends from church. We went to Galloping Grace this week and the girls were able to ride the horses for 30 mins. Daddy joined us for the first time and he loved it, too! He was so proud of his girls and what they accomplish on the horses, too. Friday we had friends over for a play date. Daddy had a softball game! Our church celebrated Father's Day with an Auto Show.
E had a huge week....I was overcome with such joy, happiness and proud of her accomplishments and growth. This week she showed incredible courage and willingness to go beyond herself and learn new things. It was amazing to watch her at Galloping Grace and see her control the horse by herself. In the beginning she was attached to the leader and she began her ride, then they slowly broke the connection between the guide and the horse and E became the leader. She had complete control of the horse with her reigns. She learned how to make the noise with her mouth to keep the horse moving and help it go in certain directions. The horse even tried several times to go back to the original leader and E held strong to the reins and had the horse follow her instructions. It was amazing to watch. This program is such a blessing in so many ways!
After we came home from Galloping Grace, she asked if she could take the training wheels off her bike. Hubby and I looked at each other and we were so excited. Not quite sure if she is ready but why not let her try. She realized it is hard work and going to take lots of practice.
On Thursday I took the girls to the pool. We enjoyed some awesome quality time and had a blast practicing back floating, jumping in, kicking and more. It was on this day I couldn't believe my eyes...E had finally put it all together. She figured it out! She would jump in the pool and swim underwater, come for air, take a breath, swim underwater and would keep repeating for about 15 to 20 feet. It was amazing! I was so happy for her! She also climbed a rock a wall with no fear!
Update on little Ms. S! She too had a big week in the water. Poor thing loved the water but the last year has been hard for her regarding her ears. This year we had special ear plugs made for her and they have been a huge help. She is more confident and actually will go underwater. She practiced floating on her back and actually did an awesome job of relaxing. She was also amazing on the horse and does a very good job with her balance. She was detached from the leaders reins but the guide used her voice to continue to lead the horse. Her heart is growing more and more for the Lord, too.
These children are the most precious gift and I love watching them grow. The Lord has blessed us with happy, healthy children and we give Him all the glory for their precious moments. One of the reasons I love summer is because we get to spend some awesome quality time as a family. We get to make some incredible memories, cherish our time and build each other up in the Lord. What a gift!

1 comment:

psn4athome said...

Glad you've had a great week!